Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart
Be all else naught to me save that Thou art
Be Thou my best thought by day or by night
Both waking and sleeping, Thy Presence, my light.
(Irish hymn)
As the rest of the States are full into Fall, in Alaska we are moving towards Winter. A large bull moose stands in my yard eating the leavings of the sweet peas and over his shoulder I see snow building on the mountains. It is darkening early. Soon it will be sun up at 10am and sun down at 4pm. I am not a fan of the dark even if I did work lots of night shifts.
I am also not a fan of fog. I have felt engulfed by a creative one lately. I told a friend I feel I have been holding my breath waiting for the moment to pass. There have been many obstacles to my heart life, my heart lights, turning on at dusk. Some are beyond my control but not all.
There is always a choice as to how I will think about things. In the hymn above the writer asks God to, " Be Thou my best thought by day or by night." This is a prayer I embrace. My best thoughts, highest thoughts, most hope laden thoughts, come from the One who thinks of me constantly. The One who has always wanted to show me all He is about.
This is the One who "walked with Adam in the cool of the day," who asked Himself, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?". The same who was transfigured before friends, whose glory was made undeniable. This One wants us to know Him, His world and His ways.
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
The root word for His "telling" us means to make something conspicuous. To make the hidden visible, even obvious. Remember He is referring to "great and unsearchable" things. Hidden things, mighty things, mysterious things, per other translations, made conspicuous. Hidden in plain sight? No. Obvious. Not hidden at all to those who walk with Him. Those who are friends to Him. Those whose minds are being transformed by grace and the Word.
In need of inspiration? "Call and I will answer." Ours is a God who wants to show us and to share with us so that what is done in Heaven can be seen upon the Earth. Truth and wonder through lens or brush, through pen or paint, in clay or between book bindings, in speech or behavior, all God's character manifesting itself in life.
May He be the best thought of your day and of your night and mine as well. May His inspiration swell the moments of our lives to overflowing with conspicuous grace and beauty.
"Waking or sleeping, Thy Presence, our light."
(Picture is summer evening shower with rainbow over Anchorage 2011)
My first thought in the morning, the friend I talk with throughout the day, my fleeting thoughts as sleep overtakes me and the best I can think as I align with His word in Phil 4:8 ". . .if there is any virtue and any praise, think on these things."