The best and sweetest of men married me. John delights my heart and invests in my love. He found a new tea shop and presented me with a beautiful box of delicious tea we shared last evening. My cup had painted sunflowers and it warmed my palms as the fragrance of spices and berries filled the room.
My bridegroom of almost a generation loves me like Christ loves me. He would just as freely and easily give his life for me as give me tea. A plain and absolute fact. A cup of blessing.
When I consider the cup Jesus drained for love of me, for you, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. We have often given Him so little obvious cause to love us. That mattered not to the tender, generous, loyal, Son of God. He looked into the dark swirl of sadness and pain and filled His obedient mouth with the poison of our disobedience. He drained the cup of the wrath of God so I could share all the cups of blessing that were to follow.
One of these future days I will take a cup from His hands as generously given as the one I received from John. Our fingers will touch, our eyes will meet and I will be filled to overflowing, spilled joy.
In the morning when you raise that first cup of coffee or tea to your lips, pause for just a moment to spill some joy of you own and to remember such love.
Offered with gratitude,
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