
Saturday, March 9, 2013

After The Storm Comes The Hallelujah

On this long storm the Rainbow rose –Dickinson

This brief chapter of the story is drawing to a close. Soon He will be parted from them, these ones who have left nets and tax tables to sleep in fields and pick breakfast from the stalk to be with Him.

A storm is coming that will expose fear and cowardice. A storm is coming that will uncover treachery and betrayal. A storm is coming that will blow the house down.  

The Cross is coming.

As we look toward this Easter season we have the advantage of a historical perspective the first followers of Jesus lacked. We have read the to the end of the story, the end of their earthly story anyway. We know the house is rebuilt. Easter morning came.

It is all the Good Fridays we personally face that challenge us. Those times can easily find us in hiding, tremblingly ill at ease and halting in our profession of faith, uncertain about the personal cost of claiming Jesus.

Easter is coming.

Whatever needs to pass away, shall, that the joy of that new day can be found. We are never left empty. The tomb's destiny is to be robbed. The enemy's hand's are left holding the air. We have the life Christ paid for. A Hallelujah. 

He will be found of us even to the end of the age. He promised. After the storm comes the Hallelujah and for a few brave souls it may even be shouted back into the driving winds. Whatever comes we will not be left empty.


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.        -1 Peter 1:3 

(September 2012 windstorm in Anchorage, Alaska that brought four fifty foot trees down upon our house in the dark.)




  1. How thankful you must have been for his protection from the trees, even though the damage to the house was great, you are alive to tell the tale of his great watchcare over you. Easter is, indeed, coming!

    1. Yes, it was a real mess and that was after the record breaking snow fall of the 2012 winter killed the roof in the middle of the house! But spring is coming even if it arrives later here it still comes. Blessings! kl
