Soft purple scent captures me
Bees hum their diligent
honey making humming
laying up your sweetness
in perfect combs
Face in your blossoms, I, like the bees
tuck your memory away for winter
Sixteen years from tiny twig to high bush
Sixteen summers since the day we planted you,
the one who loves my face and I
You will bloom and cast your perfume
when we no longer stand upon this ground
but linger in the honeyed hearts
friendship has combed.
Laying Up Sweetness
Kat Cavanaugh LaMantia
Several years ago when John had to go ahead of our family to take a new position I greatly missed him. One Saturday found me standing in his closet, face buried in a black wool jacket, inhaling his sent. I was home.
Our wonderful old dog, Jazz, did the same thing with our son's boots during his tours overseas.
My front door is a riot of lilacs and lavender. The scent wraps itself around you cocooning you in perfumed delight. I found myself, face buried in blossoms, just like that old jacket, inhaling the telltale fragrance of His own scent the Creator breathed into His creation. Home. Be it done on earth, home.
We were meant to remember and to celebrate in remembering the One who is unforgettable. The One whose mercy, love and beauty were just made for us. Made to be saved up and savored and shared.
There are lilacs filling every room today. Mostly they are filling me with the sweetness He saved just for today.
His miracles are unforgettable. The Lord is kind and merciful. Psalm 111:4 NCV
Hint: To my pregnant family and friends, treat the baby to lilacs, roses, honeysuckle and anything else that is delightful. It will fill up your womb with unutterable sweetness and bring the joys of summer to your baby.
"It used to be that scientists believed fetuses had about as much of a sense of smell as they had a sense of fashion; that's because smelling typically depends on such basics as air and breathing. Now, though, it's believed that amniotic fluid jets though the nasal and oral cavities to actually help a fetus smell. That ability starts at about 30 weeks; before that time, tissues plug up the nasal cavities.
The sense of smell begins developing much earlier, as olfactory epithelial cells form in a fetus at 9 weeks along with nostrils. These cells connect to molecules that bind with the olfactory nerve (which leads to the brain).
After your baby develops a sense of smell, he can actually smell everything that you eat or inhale. The lesson: Mom should eat what she wants her baby to like to smell."
You: Having a Baby The Owners Manuel To A Happy Healthy Pregnancy by Michael Roisen, M.D.
I wonder...was God holding your poem in His hand when he designed Adam's olfactory nerve? (I mean, since He lives outside of time and all...) Who could remember that God made tastebuds and lilacs and singing birds and still think He's less than extravagant with His love?!
ReplyDeleteWhen Bryan was away for those 13 months, I, too, used to pick up one of the toss pillows from his bed because his scent and his favorite cologne were on there. "His miracles are unforgettable. The Lord is kind and merciful." Psalm 111:4 NCV Thank you, Kat - RS ♥