I have just unwrapped a chocolate heart and it is delighting my taste buds. It is almost as much of a delight as the heart from which it was given. This candy was no only child. There was also honey and a book and artwork.* A lingering Christmas or the promise of Valentine's? You might think so, but better.
Among friends there is no occasion necessary. Generosity and encouragement are as commonplace as they are welcome. That is what makes one friend who has lent a favorite dress to another say, "You need to keep that. It looks stunning on you." It prompts one friend shopping alone to buy two of something because friends are always out and about with you even when they are not.
Friends are attracted to cards, books, music, scriptures and tokens that will bless, brighten and inspire their friends. Birthdays come early or every day. Christmas is seldom just a winter holiday and those offerings are always treasured.
Several years ago our house was burglarized while we were working. What a mess the thieves made of the place. I walked in the front door to overturned chairs, curtains off the rod and bedding dragged out into the hall. Failing to grasp the situation, I made my face into a hard scowl and yelled, "Bad dog!" Then I noticed the television was missing.
My lovey Italian jewelry box was also gone from my dresser. All that remained was the dustless rectangle where it had been. I was not happy. Why, because all my jewelry was gone? Nope. That box contained handmade cards from friends. Special scriptures God had spoken to someone just for me. Dried flowers from long ago apologies. Hand painted ornaments from artist friends. Love letters from a husband who is crazy about me and good at putting it into words. Real, genuine heart-life stuff, some from special occasions and others because I was the occasion.
That was a genuine loss but friends and lovers being what they are, all that goodness has been replaced ten times over. We are such fortunate people in this house. Our friends stir up our feelings and our giftings. They encourage us to live more and love more and be more. Friends keep us going. We are full.
Does someone in your life needs a care package? Maybe has an empty jewelry box that needs to be filled? Needs a Rhema word? A card? A love note? A praise? An inspiration? An encouragement in gifts and life? A ring from your finger? Something to keep or pass on? Some honey?
No occasion necessary.
How many times has God poured out His goodness upon us just because He could?
And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities...Hebrews 10:24 (AMP)
*To a special six year old friend and painter, thank you, Asa.
i LOVE the painting! this is it, isn't it? all the loving, the pouring of life of others into our own and vis versa? You spoke it beautifully. {my heart hurt with you for the jewelry box...but oh, should you not have lost it, you wouldn't have watched love multiply to not only replace, but overcome.}
ReplyDeleteYes, this is the art. I have a good friend who paints with her children and I am fortunate to be friends with the children as well. I have several Asa creations and his art work is migrating from my refrigerator door to my walls.
And when one invests time in BEing a friend to a six-year-old, one reaps the rewards. Or to a 16-year old, or a 60-year old...
ReplyDeleteThe sweet smell of incense can make you feel good, but true friendship is better still. Prov. 27:9
Thank you for helping teach that six-year-old how to be a friend! -K
I taught him that a tiger can brush its teeth with a hot dog. He taught me race cars can use spider webs as a track. He learned about friendship from his parents. Christ taught all of us that love is poured from your heart as well as your cup. (Besides all that, it is a significantly younger friend who will not think it odd that I wanted marbles with beetles in them for Christmas)-Kat
DeleteI am ever grateful to God each day that He caused our paths to cross and our hearts, not only to touch, but to link. "What would be an adequate thanksgiving to offer God for all the joy we experience before him because of you? We do what we can, praying away, night and day, asking for the bonus of seeing your faces again and doing what we can to help when your faith falters." I Thess 3:9 (The Message)