In those who hope in His mercy...
For He has strengthened the bars of your gates;
He has blessed your children within you.
He makes peace in your borders,
And fills you with the finest wheat.
Psalm 147
Recently I had the joy of spending an entire day looking after my almost three year old grandson. Just John Sebastian and Grandma. We ate ice cream for breakfast, played in water until we were prunes, sang silly songs and had a wonderful time.
We read a story about a little bear who rolled a dead log over and ate the cutworms he found under it then we made our own cutworms out of cheese and ham and ate them for lunch. Since we live in different cities I poured as much of myself into those few hours as possible.
As the day was closing he presented me with a Playdoh creation. He stared into my eyes with a determined and serious little face and said, "Grandma, this is for you. Do not give it back to me because you need to take it home with you for you and Grandpa." It is sitting on the desk with me as I write this. I have no idea what it is but it is mine, from hands I love, and my heart swells when I look at it. I feel that perfect day all over again when I hold it in my hand. It gives me such pleasure to remember and to look forward to the next time.
I considered my relationship with the Lord. What tokens have I given to Him? What moments about my life warm His heart? What moments of my life live before Him for a thousand joyful years? What can I do to give Him pleasure? The scriptures assure us that He finds pleasure in certain things. In us. In those who know Him and hope in His mercy. He fills us with the finest of the wheat after all. Makes peace within our borders, blesses those we love, makes us secure. Even when we do not see all of it, it is so.
Lord, I give you myself. My words and actions and thoughts are yours alone. I am living today with you in mind. Take this day home and do not return it to me but place it in your hand in remembrance that You are my dearly loved Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is all for You, Lord.
I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. Psalm 43:4
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