
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

You Do It

Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have... Acts 3

I remember finding it odd when the Lord told the disciples to give the multitude something to eat. They had not a sack lunch of their own yet he said, "You do it. You give them something to eat."

Now here are Peter and John on the way to church and they plunge right in among the beggars whose hands are out expecting something. Those beggars knew exactly what they wanted. Peter and John knew their own pockets were empty. Did they choose a less conspicuous route? We know the answer. They plunged in.

In speaking of this story, Will Willimon observes that, "The path toward significant prayer is a way that goes straight through, not around, human misery."

I would be false to say that I do not walk into the Mission sometimes and look at a situation that I feel is beyond my personal resources. Experience has taught me not to take the less demanding route. Christ has taught me what I have in His Name.

Time and again I have seen Heaven fasten its eyes on someone broken and stand them on their feet when I or one of our Chapel workers head right into the middle of the problem. "You do it."

Christ has given us His mighty Name. Fold that into love and obedience and you have, "Such as I have..." and the lame walk. It has to be God for we do not have it in us otherwise. The lame man wanted a coin. He got his life back instead.

As you pray, remember us. We need obedience and vision so that the broken may rise and re-enter life on level ground.

May the Holy Spirit reveal to all of us the wonderful possibilities of what we possess for the Kingdom.

In His service,
Rev. John T. LaMantia

(September Director's Letter)