John reminded me of a scripture last evening where the Bible says "He has set eternity in our hearts." We long for something on a heart level that is not of this world.
God has set a compass inside Creation. The Canadian geese fly into Alaska in the spring and back out in the fall. Salmon leave and return to the stream where they were born. I find myself star gazing and rejoicing over Hubble pictures of exploding gases in nebula nurseries aware that I am really looking for the face of the Creator. I am like Moses, "God, can I see you?"
But something more than sight is my goal. I remember the feeling I had walking down the aisle in my white gown and veil. John was waiting at the altar with his face drawing me to him. When I walked back I would be changed forever and I knew it. Taking those slow, dignified steps was almost painful. I wanted to pull away from my Dad's arm and rush forward as fast as my high-heeled feet would allow. John and I had a destiny. We were coming home to one another.
As the year ends I feel I am taking another walk. A walk shared by another bride. Our future is there smiling, drawing, beaming a great reassuring smile. Christ. Home is calling and He is a stunner. (His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns..Revelation 19) Powerful beauty for real and forever. Beauty through and through. My soul's satisfaction. I can "...hear his heart beat for a thousand miles."
I cannot say how long this aisle is. How much time we or the world have but beauty and home are at the end of it. Whatever we pass along the journey, the destination is the same. Don't remove your heels. Keep your white dress on. The invitations said formal. If the world asks where you bought the dress do not hesitate to tell them.
May 2011 be for us all a year of beautification. Like Esther of old we have a date with the King. I bless you to be ready and radiant.
Happy are they whom you choose and draw to your courts to dwell there!... they will be satisfied by the beauty of your house, by the holiness of your temple.
Psalm 65
Let them praise the Name of the LORD... for His Name only is exalted, His splendor is over Earth and Heaven.
Psalm 148
Dedicated to John as his birthday on 1/2/2011 approaches. I will love you forever and a mile beyond. kl