
Saturday, April 27, 2013

When Our Soul Looks In The Mirror

The only way to deal with an un-free world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. -Albert Camus

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are.  Romans 8:16 MSG

Read the entire glorious chapter here:

Friday, April 26, 2013


You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil...John 15:16 (MSG)

There are several scriptures that come to mind that identify us as "Chosen". Picked. Planned for. Desired. That's us. Some days that is a hard sell when it feels as if  "life" is sending us to a school that preaches another gospel. A harder one to bear. One that has designed a curriculum around our flaws, our mistakes and our inadequacies. Not Good Enough U. Read that as Not Good Enough YOU! There we are not picked but picked over.  

Time we were done with that.  

"I chose you." God said so. The God who can't, won't, never did, never will lie. The Almighty One said it and had it written down. This is important. You have to get this to graduate.

You have been chosen to be fruitful and unspoiled.

The rest of that beautiful promise unfolds gloriously: ...whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, He gives you. John 15:16 (MSG)

I read an encouragement by Sister Suzanne Mayer who asked the question,"When life seems not to choose you how do you choose it?"

She looks at the life of van Gogh, sad as it was in many ways but who persevered to create works of enduring beauty. Even in pain he set up his easel every day and mixed his paints. He claimed, "For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."

van Gogh is an imperfect example but her point is well taken. God has chosen us. Every day we have a chance to choose life- a life in Him. A life of unspoiled fruit even in a spoiled world. Every day we can set up the canvas and mix our paints and ask the Father for the inspiration to birth Glory. Jesus says the Father will answer.

The Creator chose us and put us in the world. All the stars in His universe are not found only in the heavens. I have met some of the brightest and most beautiful right here on earth. Stars who sing. (No matter what.) Stars who dream. (No matter what.) Chosen Ones.

We are His starry night.

Let's mix some paint.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Planting a Kiss

The flowers have appeared in the earth, The time of the singing has come...Song of Solomon Chapter 2

A Spicy Moment (with John in mind)

 Looking for a gift for you I went to the spice shop that sells candy-
Garam masala, fennel, lavender infused olive oil and...candy.
If you are comfortable referring to Mexican dark chocolate
with bacon, French white chocolate with blueberries and
German chocolate with cacao nibs as "candy".
They also sell honey from gifted bees- Mensa bees,
working exotic flower fields.
Did I mention the teas brimming over with the magic of
ancient lands and figs and dates?
Open the door and your soul expands in a cocoa,

oolong, madras melange of delight.
I bought you peaches and pecans in milk chocolate.
One bar cost what I earned an hour the first year we were married.
Delicious! D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!
But not so fine a delicacy, not so sweet a treat, not so juicy 

as even one of your kisses all spicy magic...and mine.

Alaska is always north of spring. Alaska is such a hold out hanging on to long winter like a loved one saying good-bye. Those of us living here are shouting out, "GOOD-BYE!" with a garden spade in our hand. Ahhh, but still the snow can't seem to make up its mind even though the geese are flying in and the ravens are flying out.

So we Alaskans get out in the lengthening days and go from store to store just to be outside in the light. I met a friend at the spice shop that has opened a tea room and we enjoyed the day talking about God and poetry over the fragrant steam coming from our cups.

The time of singing is coming. The days of flowers and landscape screaming verse is on the way. The season for planting carrots, zucchini and dahlias is inching closer. I am like a runner in a crouch, toe digging in behind an imaginary line.

Spring is almost here and if it is still too soon to plant a carrot, even if you don't have a green thumb- you can always plant a kiss! 

I did!